Saturday, December 12, 2009

Matlab R2007b Free Plp Matlab Symbolic Toolbox?

Matlab Symbolic Toolbox? - matlab r2007b free plp

How do you define the variables x and y variables in MATLAB 2007b version?

I have tried to do and Syms SYM xy xy, but it always says "? Undefined function or method 'SIM' for input arguments of type" char "."

Please help!


huippi said...

Command seeks "syms':) Even if the x command SYM''ne should not produce this error, which could indicate their symbolic toolbox do not work correctly.

Syms xy

huippi said...

Command seeks "syms':) Even if the x command SYM''ne should not produce this error, which could indicate their symbolic toolbox do not work correctly.

Syms xy

huippi said...

Command seeks "syms':) Even if the x command SYM''ne should not produce this error, which could indicate their symbolic toolbox do not work correctly.

Syms xy

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